What is maturity ? | The truth of maturity people.

What is Maturity ?

I used to think that maturity was about age and physical development, how wrong was I. I have since found out that age is only but a number, below are 20 definitions of MATURITY.

1. Maturity is when you accept other people the way they are and their level of maturity.

2. Maturity is when you understand that your ideas are not always the best.

3. Maturity is when you learn to let go even if it pains.

4. Maturity is when you are able to drop expectations from a relationship and give for giving sake.

5. Maturity is when you understand that whatever positive things you do, you do for your own peace.

6. Maturity is when you stop proving to the world how RIGHT OR SUPERIOR you are.

7. Maturity is when you stop comparing yourself with others because life is not a competition.

8. Maturity is when you understand that you cant and shouldn't always get what you want every time.

9. Maturity is when you are contented and satisfied with your life and yet aspiring to be better everyday.

10. Maturity is when someone hurt you and you understand their attitude and stay clear, rather than trying to hurt them back.

11. Maturity is when you start thinking about other people and not just yourself.

12. Maturity is when you know you can't please everyone.

13. Maturity is when you see things in different perspectives - far beyond the way they seem.

14. Maturity is when you love more and judge less.

15. Maturity is responsibility.

16. Maturity is Love.

17. Maturity is the application of wisdom and knowledge in humility.

18. Maturity is when you accept that your accomplishment, failures, destiny, reputations and virtually everything about your life depends on God's will and the choices you make and not pointing fingers at others.

19. Maturity is when someone hates you and you still pray for them to succeed.

20. Maturity is knowing the Almighty, serving Him with all that you've got and pursuing His words no matter what people think or say.

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           There was a large flock of sheep grazing on a lawn. A wolf stealthily stole a lamb . The lamb tried hard to get away but it could not. As the wolf was about to kill the lamb,an Idea struct in the Lamb's mind.

           The lamb pleaded "Oh wolf! I know that I am going to die now. Will you be kind enough to fulfill my last wish?"

           The wolf asked,"What is your last wish?" The lamb replied, "I am fond of music. Before I die, I wish to hear you play the flute". The wolf agreed and played the flute.

            When the wolf stopped the lamb said, "Oh! what beautiful music! Will you play a bit louder, please? You play far better than my shepherd".

             The wolf was pleased by the flattery and started to play louder. In the mean time,the shepherd and the dogs who were in search of the missing lamb heard the sound. They came running and caught hold of the wolf. The lamb happily trotted away to his flock.

The MORAL is 



7.The Hare and the Lion | Short story for Children | bedtime stories

 A lion was getting fed up of hunting. He called all animals and passed an order ,"Everyday one of you should come by yourself as my prey".All animals started to obey this order.

lt was the hare's day. The hare was very sad. As he was going to the lion's den,he came across an old well. He looked into it, it was very deep and dangerous. A plan came to his mind.

The lion was very angry that no animal had come. The hare slowly came toward the lion. The lion roared "why are you late?" The hare humbly replied, "On my way another lion chased me. I got away with much difficulty to give my life to you , Your Majesty".

The lion was pleased with the hare, but the thought of another lion in the jungle made him angry. The lion roared "Do you know where he lives?" The hare replied "yes, Sir . Please come with me". 

The hare took the lion to the old well. He said "Sir, that lion lives in this well". The lion peeped into the well. He mistook his reflection for another lion. He roared and there was an echo. He thought that the other lion was roaring too, and jumped in to the well.That was the end of the lion.

In this moral is:



    It was a cyclonic season. There was flood everywhere. Many houses drowned in the flood .There was a copper pot and an earthen pot in a h...

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