7.The Hare and the Lion | Short story for Children | bedtime stories

 A lion was getting fed up of hunting. He called all animals and passed an order ,"Everyday one of you should come by yourself as my prey".All animals started to obey this order.

lt was the hare's day. The hare was very sad. As he was going to the lion's den,he came across an old well. He looked into it, it was very deep and dangerous. A plan came to his mind.

The lion was very angry that no animal had come. The hare slowly came toward the lion. The lion roared "why are you late?" The hare humbly replied, "On my way another lion chased me. I got away with much difficulty to give my life to you , Your Majesty".

The lion was pleased with the hare, but the thought of another lion in the jungle made him angry. The lion roared "Do you know where he lives?" The hare replied "yes, Sir . Please come with me". 

The hare took the lion to the old well. He said "Sir, that lion lives in this well". The lion peeped into the well. He mistook his reflection for another lion. He roared and there was an echo. He thought that the other lion was roaring too, and jumped in to the well.That was the end of the lion.

In this moral is:


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