A cat and a fox were once discussing about hounds.

             The cat said,"I hate hounds. Thay are very nasty animals They hunt and kill us". The fox said ,"I hate hounds more than you".  

                The cat asked"How do you save yourself from hounds?"The fox replied,"There are many tricks to get away from hounds". 

                The cat asked "Can you say what your tricks are?"

"They are very simple", said the fox. He added,"I can hide behind thick pushes.I can run along throny hedges.I can hide in burrows.  There are many more such tricks".

       Now it was the turn of the fox to ask the cat about her tricks.

The fox asked,"How many tricks do you know?" The cat replied,"l know just one trick". The fox sneered,"Oh! How sad! You know only one trick?  What is your trick".

      That cat was about to answer. But, she found a flock of hounds fast approach. She said ,"I am going to do it now , because, the hounds are coming" .

           Saying these words, the cat ran up a nearby tree from the hounds. The fox tried all his tricks but the hounds outbeat him.

 "My one trick is better than all his truck", said tha cat to herself.

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